"profile" : {
"name" : "Rabbi Hossain" ,
"bio" : "I am Basically a Javascript coder working as a WebApps Developer. I build cross-platform client-side WebApps & mobile applications. I am just another FOSS enthusiast guy contributing in Mozilla . Love to fiddle with new technologies. Besides these, I also love to write tutorials and listen rock music." ,
"skills" : "HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, NodeJS, ReactJS, Java" ,
"contact" : {
"phone" : "+8801677539806" ,
"email" : "[email protected]"
... }
... } ,
"follow_on" : [
"blog" ,
"facebook" ,
"twitter" ,
"github" ,
... ] ,
"copyleft" : "Rabbi Hossain - 2020. All wrongs reserved."
... }